Phil Cannella’s career has been dedicated to helping the ‘little guy’ in the form of American retirees, attempting to guard their nest eggs from the volatility and corruption of Wall Street.
But it wasn’t long ago that Phil found himself attacked by an anonymous group of online competitors, attempting to undo his decades of work.
For almost forty years now Phil Cannella has been a senior advocate working with seniors and those in and approaching retirement to shield them from unexpected life tragedies that can have an ill effect on their retirement. He did this first with long term care whereby he aided seniors and protected families from the devastating effects that the process of aging can bring upon a person or family.
After decades in that industry he broadened the scope of services he could offer his clients and for over a decade now has been helping his clients protect their financial futures. He has done this in many ways but most pertinent here is the Crash Proof Retirement System that he built in order to place his clients assets in financial vehicles that are risk free and where their principal is protected.
Such was his success over the years that he built a vast juggernaut that was catapulting him into the position of a true industry leader when it came to protecting the retirement plans of generations of Americans. Over the years he had moved hundreds of millions of dollars of his clients assets out of risk and into safety. Yet this success also bred something else, the animosity of those who peddled in securities and were making a quick buck off of the ignorance of their clients.
A few of these competitors banded together to seek a way to put Phil Cannella out of business so that they could continue their illicit activities unhindered. What they did was they created a website that served as an Internet Defamation center designed to destroy Phil Cannella’s hard-earned reputation. It was all done anonymously, using fictitious screen names in order to hide behind the apparent veil of the protection of the First Amendment.
What this was tantamount to was a civil conspiracy. What exactly is a civil conspiracy? “A civil conspiracy or collusion is an agreement between two or more parties to deprive a third party of legal rights or deceive a third party to obtain an illegal objective.”
In order to protect his rights, Phil Cannella filed a lawsuit in federal court to put an end to the civil conspiracy and while the defendants on the case attempted to get the motion thrown out on the basis that the charges were groundless, the judge presiding over the case, the honorable J. Curtis Joyner, saw it differently and let the civil conspiracy charge remain on the case to be tried and that is a matter of public record.
“Plaintiffs assert that the purpose of the website was to get Plaintiff Cannella off the air and out of business. Plaintiffs allege that the Moving Defendants… utilized the website to execute personal vendettas against Plaintiffs and discourage Plaintiffs’ potential and existing customers from engaging in business with Plaintiffs. The Court finds this allegation to raise a reasonable inference that Defendants acted out of malice.”
Once again, and as has happened many times in the past, Phil Cannella has used his sword of truth to pierce the veil of lies in order to seek out the truth and the justice system is helping discover that truth and put an end to the unlawful actions of his opponents.
With all this talk of justice and conspiracies, what really matters most is what is being done for the consumer. Are consumers being helped or are they being harmed? Are consumers being protected or are they being put at risk? The hundreds and hundreds of testimonials of Phil Cannella’s clients who genuinely voice their appreciation for what Phil Cannella has done for him, truly speaks for itself.