Tag Archives: Phil Cannella Lawsuits
Phil Cannella Complaints – Phil Cannella Explains Fixed Annuities – Phil Cannella Complaints
Phil Cannella Complaints, Phil Cannella Lawsuits, Phil Cannella Reviews Phil Cannella provides an excellent explanation of the difference between the major categories of annuities and he does so in a way that makes it very easy for any consumer to understand. Any true expert in a field should be able to explain a technical subject in a non-technical manner and this is exactly what Phil Cannella does. Fixed annuities, as Phil Cannella explains, is a specific type of annuity. Fixed annuities are essentially CD-like investments Read More +
Phil Cannella Reviews – Phil Cannella Talks About Tax Deferral in Annuities – Phil Cannella Reviews
Phil Cannella Reviews, Phil Cannella Lawsuits, Phil Cannella Complaints Phil Cannella explains that one of the benefits of an annuity is that they interest that grows in the account grows on a tax deferred basis until you pull it out. In other words, if you have $100,000 in an annuity and that annuity has grown over the years to $150,000, you do not need to pay any taxes on that growth until the time that you start taking income from the annuity. This is one Read More +
Phil Cannella Lawsuit – Phil Cannella’s Challenger Fined For Failure to Preserve Evidence – Phil Cannella Lawsuit
Phil Cannella Lawsuits, Phil Cannella Reviews, Phil Cannella Complaints Phil Cannella has become proficient in many areas of law as a result of his very prolific career as one of the country’s most foremost experts in retirement planning. After almost forty years working, with his sleeves rolled up, with retirees and those approaching retirement he has had to contend with many different issues affecting not just people’s finances but their lives as a whole. This required Phil to learn more than just the insurance industry Read More +
Phil Cannella Complaints – Phil Cannella Says An Annuity is Not for Short-Term Financial Goals – Phil Cannella Complaints
Phil Cannella Complaints, Phil Cannella Lawsuits, Phil Cannella Reviews Phil Cannella, in his drive to educate the everyday investor on financial vehicles to lead a safe and secure retirement, often speaks about annuities. Phil Cannella explains that annuities have a very specific niche and fit a very exact need and any financial professional worth his or her salt will assess the goals and needs of the client he or she is sitting with before recommending an annuity. One emphatic point that Phil Cannella makes is Read More +
Phil Cannella Reviews – Phil Cannella, The Annuity Expert – Phil Cannella Reviews
Phil Cannella Reviews, Phil Cannella Lawsuits, Phil Cannella Complaints Phil Cannella, among the many different fields of insurance he is well versed in, is also the subject of annuities. Many people according to Phil Cannella don’t really understand what an annuity is and so as an introduction it is worth explaining in brief. In its simplicity, explains Phil Cannella, an annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company in which you make a lump sum payment or series of payments and in return Read More +