Phil Cannella Examines the Recent Stock Market Losses

Phil Cannella took a few minutes to talk about the highs and lows of the market and its effect on the everyday investor and retiree.

First of all, the benchmark Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index, which hit a record close of 2130.82 on May 21, had gone 1,326 calendar days without suffering an official correction, or drop of 10% from a high. But that correction-less streak ended on Aug. 24, when the S&P stock index finally caved in under the weight of a massive selloff that day, which included a nearly 1,100 point intraday plunge for the Dow Jones industrial average.

“Is this the type of volatility that a retiree should be subjected to?” asks Phil Cannella. A retiree depends on the assets he or she has accrued over his or her life to sustain himself or herself for 20, 30 or more years and losses during retirement can have a devastating effect on the lifestyle one is then able to maintain.

Phil Cannella designed the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System for the very purpose of providing some safety, some refuge for retirees to maintain their lifestyle while still seeing growth in their assets.

Thousands of consumers have come through First Senior Financial Group and availed themselves of his proprietary system and protected their assets from market risk. Phil Cannella stands as a true supporter of the American senior seeking to protect them from Wall Street greed.

It is his mission to provide an education to investors and seniors through his Crash Proof Retirement educational events that he holds throughout the year and to which hundreds of interested investors flock to hear from Phil Cannella about his unparalleled process.

At these educational events, you will be able to watch and learn from exclusive interviews with the brightest minds in the retirement research industry and the political arena, including top Federal officials. You will also witness retirement phase expert Phil Cannella reveal the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System, which credits interest with no market losses or fees.

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