Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella recognizes the frailty of the social security system. He astutely points out that when you get your annual letter from the social security system it tells you right on there that the bucket of money funding social security is set to deplete in the not too distant future, certainly well before many of us reach the end of our lives.
This was a strong factor that brought Phil Cannella to develop the Crash Proof Retirement System. He no longer could bear seeing people suffering through retirement because their hard-won nest eggs were being pulled out from under them by market crash. Seeing too many seniors lose too much too fast brought Phil Cannella to design and develop a system that would protect and preserve the assets of seniors and help them live the retirement they have so long dreamed of.
Phil Cannella says that you should get with your financial advisor and help him draw up a plan based on your assets to help you through retirement, but don’t rely on the broken social security system to bail you out as the only way to prevent that reservoir from getting drained is by increasing taxes, something none of us are in favor of.
The best course of action, as Phil Cannella explains, is to leverage your personal assets so that they can be used to guide you through retirement without being depleted.